Thanks to the co-operation between the physical rehabilitation and fitness centres, Ermitage can offer its guests customised medical consultancy services. The medical consultation with the nutritionist is integrated by a physiological check-up that includes the digital analysis of basal metabolism and aerobic capacity, the bioelectrical impedance analysis of body composition with anthropometric measurements. A convenient blood tests service is also available for those who are interested. Having detailed measurements means that we can customise our guest’s diet and training programme, providing complete and objective data on the results attained by the end of the stay.
Clinical studies carried out at our establishment in co-operation with the University of Milan have shown that there is a healthy correlation between mud and thermal water bath therapy and lipid metabolism. Thanks to the skill of our kitchen staff, to the assistance of experienced personal trainers and to the possible integration with spa therapies (mud and thermal water bath therapy and individual water aerobics sessions in thermal water), the programs offered by Ermitage make it possible for the guests to become fit without foregoing the pleasure of a tasty holiday. Our guests may be certain that they shall obtain lasting results reached in a healthy way, by taking into account not only their weight, but also their metabolism, the reduction of body fat and the enhancement of their aerobic capacity. The highly customisable offer, the assistance of a skilled staff and the complete accessibility of gyms and swimming pools make it possible, even for our elderly or disabled guests, to take part in our fitness programmes with a high degree of success.
Proper physical exercise and nutrition, if pursued consistently with age and life style, make it possible to prevent the onset of several orthopaedic, cardiological and oncological pathologies, ensuring healthy, active and satisfying ageing.
Prof. Domenico Corrado Cardiologist and Sport and exercise Physician University of Padua.
This menu is available on the basis of a recommendation from a specialist and costs € 140 per week. It offers the dishes of the Veggie and Balanced menus, adapted to the specific need of our customers, for a tailored calorie regime distributed in 6 meals to avoid glycemic drops and peaks. The protein Load is customised to the guest’s physiological requirements or adjusted in connection with the taking of drugs. It is recommended for elderly and obese patients and for patients with orthopaedic, neurological or lymphological issues.
Epert consultanit Prof. Fulvio Ursini, Biochemist specialised in Nutrition University of Padua.